about the leaflets on TVism that I prepared for dist- ribution at my lectures. These can be very education- al to all authorities. A number of readers have fol- lowed my suggestion and have ordered some of these and sent them out to various responsible people in their cities and counties. Seems to me that more of you ought to take a little hand in this. There are not many things that most of you can do for the cause what with security ete. yet all of you are bugged by the ignorance and condemaation that we face, Why dont you do your part then and order a few of these and send them around to doctors, judges, police chiefs, marriage councillors etc. The cost is small purposely to induce you to get some and lend a shoulder to the wheel. At 10₫ each you can certainly afford a couple of dollars worth for the cause. So get with it and order them.
IV. TALES FROM A PINK MIRROR: Dont forget that I have another story for you, a reprint of one of the Gilbert stories called Tales from a Pink Mirror. I'm sure you will find it interesting. Every other page is a picture and it is 96 pages long. $4 a copy. I got a limited number of these from another publisher knowing that they would be interesting to our readers so if you are interested get with it while they last.
CORRECTIONS: Two corrections from TVia #34.
The word NOW slipped in in place of NOT in the announcement about back numbers of TVia. Actually Nos. 1,2,3,4 and 12 are out of print and some others are low, but most back issue are available. For new subscribers to Chevalier's products may I strongly suggest that you let the current issues ride awhile if you must and pick up these back issues. A great deal of very useful material as well as interesting material appeared in these early issues. .material that was specially designed to help TVs to find and understand themselves. It cant be reused in current issues naturally, so go back and pick up the issue 8 you need to fill out your library. They are cheaper with the back issue deal of 6 for the price of 5 and I think you will find a lot of helpful material there.